Elena Goode joined the cast of As the World Turns on February 2, 2006, as teen Jade Taylor, the daughter of the late Rose D'Angelo. From New York City, Elena is a graduate of the LaGuardia School of Performing Arts, where she participated in many productions including Misanthrope, The Heidi Chronicles, and The Owl & the Pussycat. She is currently a student at the Fashion Institute of Technology where she will be receiving her Bachelor's Degree shortly.
Prior to landing a regular role role on ATWT, Elena appeared previously in the recurring role of Kerri and was a dayplayer on All My Children. She also played Marie in the HBO series Undefeated, directed by John Leguizamo. Elena's hobbies include thrift shopping, museum shopping, and being outdoors as much as possible.
February 2, 2006 to July 16, 2007
DATE OF BIRTH: August 22, 1982