Weekly catch-up guide and recaps for your favorite soaps
Summaries for the Week of March 18, 2024
Hope said no to Thomas' proposal. Steffy urged Thomas to dump Hope. Luna and Bill bonded. Poppy asked Finn to be a male figure for Luna. Paul returned home and Abe moved back in. Stefan secured a deal from E.J. John apologized to Konstantin, and he forgave John. Jason surrendered to the police. Heather underwent surgery. Josslyn broke up with Dex. Drew had an unexpected business proposal for Nina.. Jordan swallowed a toxin and Nikki, Victoria, and Claire mulled letting her die. Dr. Alcott recommended Connor be placed in a residential treatment facility..
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Quick Catch-Up: Soap Central recaps for the Week of March 18, 2024
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The Bold and the Beautiful

What happened the week of March 18, 2024

Hope said no to Thomas' proposal. Steffy urged Thomas to dump Hope. Luna and Bill bonded. Poppy asked Finn to be a male figure for Luna

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Hope declared that she loved Thomas but couldn't accept his marriage proposal. Steffy urged her astonished brother to consider his son and sanity and dump Hope. Hope told Brooke that she loved Thomas and wanted the relationship, but she wasn't ready to commit to marriage. Steffy accused Hope of using Thomas like a sex toy and warned Hope that he was done with her. Luna and Bill bonded as they speculated about her father. Poppy asked Finn to step in as a male role model for Luna, but Finn advised Poppy to just be open with Luna about her paternity. Liam worried about how Thomas would take it if Hope turned him down again.

» Miss a day... or more?: Comprehensive recaps for every episode episode this week.
» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on B&B.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our B&B Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

Days of our Lives

What happened the week of March 18, 2024

Paul returned home and Abe moved back in. Stefan secured a deal from E.J. John apologized to Konstantin, and he forgave John


Eric asked Brady to be Jude's godfather. E.J. taunted Stefan about his escape plans. Marlena attempted to talk John out of turning himself in to the police for Catharina's murder. Harris and Ava made love. Xander was out on bail. Harris ordered Stefan to cover for Ava, or Harris would identify Stefan as the shooter. Johnny and Chanel honeymooned at the Salem Inn. Paulina and Kate celebrated their friendship. Abe told Roman about Lexie's help. Chanel threw her mother a welcome home party. Konstantin pushed Theresa to reunite with Alex. Leo secured an interview with Paulina. Abe moved back in. Stefan apologized to Chad. Sloan talked with Nicole about her misgivings about the reception. Stefan secured a sentencing deal from E.J. and a return of his assets. Ava and Harris worried about their plan with Stefan. John apologized to Konstantin. Konstantin said he forgave John.

» Miss a day... or more?: Comprehensive recaps for every episode this week.
» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on DAYS.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our DAYS Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

General Hospital

What happened the week of March 18, 2024

Jason surrendered to the police. Heather underwent surgery. Josslyn broke up with Dex. Drew had an unexpected business proposal for Nina.

GH Logo

Heather underwent surgery to replace her hip and remove the tainted metal. Laura wondered if it was possible that Heather was not legally responsible for her crimes in recent years because of the cobalt poisoning. Sasha made an important decision about her future at Deception. James helped Tracy see a different side of Cody. Natalia hoped to enlist Kristina's assistance with Blaze, but Sonny helped Natalia to see that Natalia and Blaze had to work things out for themselves. Alexis told Molly about Diane's plans to get Alexis' law license reinstated. Molly worried that the stress of the appeal process might drive Alexis back to drinking. Willow panicked when it was discovered that antibiotics had been taken from the hospital. Michael enlisted Spinelli's help to cover Willow's tracks. Brook Lynn was furious when John tried to question Danny about Jason without a parent present. Jason enlisted Diane's help to surrender to the police. Josslyn was shocked to learn that Dex had intended to kill Cyrus, so she ended things with him. Anna's eyes were opened about Sonny when Dex made a full confession to her. Drew had an unexpected business proposal for Nina.

» Miss a day... or more?: Comprehensive recaps for every episode this week.
» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on GH.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our GH Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

The Young and the Restless

What happened the week of March 18, 2024

Jordan swallowed a toxin and Nikki, Victoria, and Claire mulled letting her die. Dr. Alcott recommended Connor be placed in a residential treatment facility.

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Connor begrudgingly attended another session with Dr. Alcott, who recommended that he be placed in a residential facility to help treat his obsessive-compulsive disorder. Chelsea, Adam, and Connor agreed to make the decision as a family. Chelsea opened up to Dr. Alcott about her own mental health problems. After Connor vehemently objected to going to the facility and begged to go home, Adam caved in to his son's request. Chelsea was later furious when Connor told her that Adam had said the boy didn't have to go. Billy noticed Ashley's odd behavior. A childlike side of Ashley fought with the other voices inside her head and sent a message to Tucker, saying she never wanted to see him again. Kyle and Summer considered asking Claire to be Harrison's nanny but wanted to find out more about Claire's background first. Summer learned about Claire's role in almost killing the Newmans and refused to consider Claire part of the family. Nikki, Victoria, and Claire empowered themselves by confronting Jordan, who continued to taunt them. Jordan revealed a hidden vial containing a toxin and downed its contents. As the poison's effects began to take hold, the Newman women contemplated whether to let Jordan die. Claire dreamed about what an idyllic life she would have had if she'd been raised from birth as Eve. When a confused Claire awakened from her dream, Victoria consoled her.

» Miss a day... or more?: Comprehensive recaps for every episode this week.
» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on Y&R.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our Y&R Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.



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