Bobby offers Jada a tantalizing clue

Days of our Lives Recap for Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

At the Brady Pub, Kate filled Kayla in on the news that Body & Soul had been cancelled. Kayla remembered how much Abe had raved about the show when Abe had stayed with Steve and her. Kate added that Abe had to know because he routinely read all the soap magazines and message boards. Both women wondered how Abe was taking the loss of his "TV family."

At Abe and Paulina's apartment, Abe settled on the couch with Paulina and wished her a happy Fourth of July. Paulina lamented that it wouldn't be such a happy occasion because of Chanel's miscarriage. Paulina was relieved, though, that the couple would not be moving to Los Angeles, as she had never liked the city. The mention of L.A. prompted Abe to remember that Body & Soul was on, which was filmed in L.A. When he turned on the TV, he was puzzled to find a news program instead of the show.

Paulina speculated that the network could have changed the schedule. She had to get to work, so she kissed Abe and ribbed him about entertaining himself before she left. Abe stared at the television and muttered that the show had "better not be canceled." Later, Kate arrived, and Abe began ranting about the network "preempting" the show. Kate sadly informed Abe that Body & Soul was not preempted but canceled. She attributed the decision to "political issues behind the scenes."

Abe expressed disappointment that the show had ended abruptly without any closure, or even a "thank you" to the fans. Kate reasoned that the show's cancellation would mean less competition for their venture. Abe was still upset that he would never know how the unanswered questions from the show's stories would have unfolded, such as "Will Charlemagne tie the knot for the 16th time?" Kate smiled and offered that perhaps the audience could get their questions answered.

Abe thought Kate was suggesting that they start an online campaign for the show. Kate said that would take too much time, and she instead proposed that Abe and she acquire the rights to Body & Soul. She argued that the show already had a loyal built-in fanbase, so it would be much easier than attempting to start a brand-new soap opera. "And we'd be the reason these characters live on," Kate finished. Abe looked intrigued by the idea.

At the police station, Stephanie rushed into Jada's office and asked for Jada's help with Everett. Stephanie updated Jada on her visit with Everett, who had still been Bobby. Stephanie believed Jada was the only one who could get through to Bobby, and she pleaded with Jada to see him. Stephanie insisted that she was not driven by her relationship with Everett but by the desire to help Everett, who she called a "good person." She didn't want Everett trapped and locked away for the rest of his life.

Jada admitted she had grappled with the fact that the man she had loved was not real. Stephanie said that Bobby would always be a part of Everett, according to Marlena. Jada eventually agreed to Stephanie's request.

At Marlena and John's place, Marlena checked in with Johnny over the phone. After she ended the call, she answered a knock at the door and found Steve waiting for her. Steve came inside and informed Marlena that he had an update about a conversation with Jada at the police station. Steve said he had confessed to helping Clyde escape, but he assured Marlena that he had left John's name out of it. However, Steve warned that Jada still believed he'd had an accomplice.

Steve turned the talk to John and asked how his partner had been faring on the trip to Greece. Marlena confided that John had still not seemed like himself. She stunned Steve by admitting that John had almost killed Steve. After Marlena filled Steve in on the events post-wedding, Steve remembered how John had seemed dazed at one point after Steve had been shot. Steve vowed that if John had been staying away because of his fear that he would hurt Steve, then Steve would have to be the one to bring John home.

Marlena attempted to talk Steve out of leaving because Steve would be violating his probation. She thanked Steve for helping John, but she believed John would not want Steve to put himself in any more jeopardy. Steve wanted John to know how much he appreciated their friendship and that Steve would always be there for him. Steve was interrupted by a call from Justin, who informed a pleased Steve that he had worked out a deal for a suspended sentence and community service. After he hung up, Steve told Marlena that nothing would be keeping him from going to Greece.

Marlena was grateful to Steve for his determination to help John, and she hugged him. Steve reassured Marlena that John would be okay.

At the Horton house, Julie approached Chad as he mulled over the video of the mystery woman. Julie wanted Chad to take a break, but she admitted that waiting for the technicians to improve the quality of the video had been excruciating. Chad wondered aloud if the woman could be Abigail. He told Julie that the technician had not experienced much success in enhancing the video, but the technician would hopefully at least be able to tell them if the video had been altered. Chad chastised himself for no longer recognizing Abigail's movements and mannerisms.

Julie reminded Chad that Clyde had wanted to drive them crazy with uncertainty. Chad admitted Clyde's plan was working, and Chad kept thinking about when Kayla had told him that Abigail had died. He wondered if Kayla could have missed something, so Julie urged Chad to talk with Kayla. Chad was reluctant to take that step, since he didn't want to put Kayla into the position of having to lie to Steve and others. Julie insisted Kayla could possibly offer useful information, and Chad owed it to himself to find out.

Later, Chad stopped by Kayla's office. She said that she was ready to help with anything Chad needed. Chad took a seat and admitted it was a "sensitive subject." He then reluctantly clarified that he wanted to talk about Abigail. Chad showed Kayla the video. She acknowledged that the woman could possibly be Abigail, but it was hard to tell because of the graininess of the footage. Kayla wondered why Chad had chosen that moment to share the information with her.

Chad reminded Kayla that she had been the last person to see Abigail alive. He wanted to know what Abigail's last moments had been like and if a miracle was possible. Kayla contested that while Abigail had lost a lot of blood, certain drugs could have slowed her heart rate significantly and mimicked death. Kayla also acknowledged the miracles that had already transpired with herself and with Steve, Marlena, Kate, and Bo. She suggested that Chad check with the funeral home to confirm if Abigail had been embalmed and prepared for burial.

Following Chad's departure, Steve greeted Kayla at her office. She was happy when he informed her that the charges against him had been dropped but was less than pleased after Steve announced his plans to go to Greece.

In Horton Town Square, Stephanie joined Paulina at a table. Paulina thanked Stephanie for her help during the radiation scandal, and Paulina was relieved that she could finally get back to working on her plans for the city. Stephanie cautioned Paulina not to get ahead of herself, because an even bigger "PR disaster" could be awaiting her. Paulina was confused, so Stephanie alerted her to "the optics" of Paulina having fired a woman of color as district attorney and having replaced that woman with "a rich white man with a known record of corruption."

Paulina defended her actions and reminded Stephanie that Melinda had also been accused of a crime. Plus, Paulina had offered Melinda another job. When Paulina admitted she had offered Melinda a position as head of sanitation, Stephanie replied that it had worsened the bad optics. People had been saying that Paulina had "treated Trask like trash."

Stephanie and Paulina considered ideas for cleaning up Paulina's image. Stephanie suggested that Paulina cast E.J. as a "principled" D.A. who had put aside his own biases to campaign for Gabi, the self-made "hometown girl," to be released from prison following a wrongful conviction. Paulina scoffed at the notion of selling E.J. as "principled," but Stephanie insisted Paulina could and should promote the narrative to the public. Stephanie further suggested a press conference touting E.J.'s accomplishments. Paulina shot down the idea.

Paulina feared that a press conference might come off as "disingenuous" on her part. Stephanie countered that E.J. could host the press conference, as he had no issue with bragging about himself. Paulina agreed they'd have to "drag his pompous ass from the podium." She hesitantly agreed to the idea but bemoaned the prospect of putting her fate in E.J.'s hands.

Later, Chad approached Paulina, who had left a message for E.J. Chad surprised Paulina with his request. He wanted Paulina to help him exhume his wife's body.

Meanwhile, Stephanie arrived at Marlena's place. She wanted to apologize to Marlena for the way she had acted with Bobby. Stephanie believed that Jada could be the only one to get through to Bobby. Marlena said she'd call Jada, but Stephanie responded that she had already sent Jada to see Bobby.

Bobbie paced around his hospital room and mocked the nurses who had wanted him to take his medication. He took the end board off his bed and stuffed his pills into an empty space. Bobby was pleased that he had Everett "out of the way for good."

Later, Bobby was reading a book when Jada arrived. He was very happy to see her and complimented the novel he had been reading, which Jada had once recommended to him. Bobby guessed that Marlena or Everett's "neurotic girlfriend" had sent Jada, but Jada insisted she had wanted to see Bobby. Since she knew that Bobby's past behavior had been out of his control, she still cared about him. Bobby took Jada's words as a sign and hopefully asked if she could forgive him and if they could move forward together.

Jada hedged and proclaimed that she wanted Bobby to come home when he was feeling better. Bobby backed away and called himself stupid. He realized that Jada really wanted Everett to "come home." Jada reminded Bobby that he was an alter to Everett's host personality. Bobby grew enraged and accused Jada of seeing him as "a parasite, a defect, and an illness." He shouted that Jada had no idea about "the horrors" that Everett had witnessed and how Bobby had spent his entire life protecting Everett. Jada retorted that she saw Bobby as "heroic, admirable, and strong."

Bobby calmed somewhat, so Jada tried to convince him that the best way he could help Everett would be to let Everett confront his past. Bobby replied that Jada wanted to "get rid" of him, but she insisted that Everett's return would be the best outcome for everyone. She further reassured Bobby that he would always remain a part of Everett. Bobby prodded Jada about the pressure she had to have been under and claimed he could give her something that Everett never could.

When Jada began to protest that it was over between them, Bobby chuckled and stated he hadn't been talking about their relationship. "I can help you solve a crime," he proudly declared. Jada asked if Bobby had committed the crime, but he didn't answer. Instead, he teased her with vague details. Fed up, she asked him if the so-called crime had been serious. "Nothing too serious...just a murder," Bobby revealed with a grin.

Jada demanded that Bobby stop playing her by giving up any information he had. Bobby promised to tell all...if Jada came back to see him the next day.

On the next Days of our Lives...


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