Michael shares his suspicions about Victor with Diane

The Young and the Restless Recap for Tuesday, July 2, 2024
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The Young and the Restless Daily Recaps (Tuesday, July 2, 2024)
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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

At the tack house, Victoria complimented Cole on making an excellent cup of tea. He reflected on living in England, where tea rituals were taken seriously. Cole offered to teach Victoria how to make it, but she preferred that he serve it to her. Claire commented that her parents were adorable. Cole changed the subject to the three of them having dinner that night, but Claire bowed out.

Victoria gently scolded Claire for matchmaking, but Claire clarified that she had other plans. Victoria wondered if Claire was having another girls' night with Mariah, but Claire blurted out that her plans were with Kyle. Cole protested that he hadn't yet had a drink with Kyle to figure out Kyle's intentions. Claire assured her father that it wasn't a date, and the topic would be Harrison.

Claire recounted that she'd overheard a heated conversation between Kyle and Summer in which lawyers had been mentioned, and Kyle had suggested they talk about it at dinner. Victoria objected to Claire being put in the middle of a conflict between Harrison's parents, especially if a legal battle was involved. Claire reasoned that Kyle just wanted a friendly ear, and she told Victoria not to worry. Claire told her parents to have a lovely dinner without her, and she left. Cole guessed that Victoria would still worry. "Oh, absolutely," Victoria replied.

Later, Victoria admitted that she couldn't shake her worry about Claire. Cole brightly recalled that Claire had seemed excited and upbeat. Victoria groaned that she'd dealt with her own divorce and custody battles, and things could get ugly. Victoria pointed out that Summer had never trusted Claire or wanted Claire to be Harrison's nanny, and she didn't see things ending well. Victoria recognized that she was worrying about "what ifs," but it was her job to look out for Claire.

Cole praised how far Claire had progressed, and he called it the great joy of his life to see her happy. Victoria wanted Claire to stay that way, but Cole clucked that they had to let Claire make her own choices. Victoria thought they also had to show Claire that it was possible to steer away from conflict, especially after the damage Jordan had done. Cole suggested that they do so by leading by example, living in the "here and now" and not spinning worst-case scenarios. Cole implored Victoria to let Claire have a carefree dinner with a friend.

Later, Victoria anxiously peered out the window, and Cole warned that she was being obvious. Victoria recognized that Claire was a grown woman, but Victoria regretted not having been there for Claire's teenage years or first date. Victoria wanted to hear all the details of the evening, and she felt it was her right as a mother to be overprotective. Cole volunteered to be the reassuring dad while she was the worried mom. He reiterated that their daughter was safe and happy and that she'd stay that way. They hugged.

In Chancellor Park, Kyle and Audra greeted Victor, who was pleased to see that they hadn't strangled one another yet. Audra reported that she and Kyle had smoothed out their differences, and Kyle added that they were excited to be working together. Victor asked if Kyle was all right with leaving Jabot, and Kyle announced that he was out completely. The men shook hands, and Audra enthused that they were ready to move full speed ahead by issuing a press release to introduce Glissade's new leadership team. Kyle intended for it to highlight his experience at Jabot, but Audra brusquely stated that they needed to work on the language.

Audra asked how they should position Victor's role, but Victor ordered them to keep his name out of it. Kyle questioned why Victor had invested that much money only to remain anonymous when they could play up Newman's history of rivaling Jabot to the press. Audra lectured that it was Victor's prerogative whether to be named or not, but Kyle pressed to know the reason for the secrecy. Victor swore there was nothing nefarious about his position, and all he wanted was for Glissade to succeed. Kyle struggled to believe that the investment had simply been a selfless gesture.

Audra considered Victor's investment to be a vote of confidence. Kyle countered that it would be -- if Victor wasn't remaining anonymous. Victor respected Kyle's skepticism, but he stood by his decision. Victor added that he expected big things from both of them, and he walked off. Audra advised Kyle not to disrespect the person signing their paychecks, or he might insult his way out of a job.

Kyle bragged that he and Victor went way back, and Victor admired someone who looked at all the angles. Audra huffed that it hadn't been enough for Victor to answer Kyle's obnoxious questions, and she didn't see why Kyle wouldn't let it go. Kyle chalked it up to a gut feeling, noting that Victor had purchased a cosmetics company that could rival Jabot and then lured Kyle away from his family's company to make him co-CEO. Audra argued that Kyle had been ready to jump ship, but Kyle countered that Victor hadn't had any way of knowing that before making him the offer.

Kyle recalled that Victor had told him out of the blue that Kyle should have the top spot at Jabot over his mom, and he realized that Victor had been working him. Kyle doubted the job offer was about Victor's great confidence in him, and he imagined it was more about Victor's animosity toward Jack. Audra scoffed at the idea that Kyle would go running back to play third fiddle at Jabot again. "All I want is Glissade to be a success. If that is a blow against Jabot, all the better," Kyle proclaimed.

Later, at Society, Kyle apologized to Claire for being late. She mentioned that he'd wanted to fill her in on what was going on between him and Summer, but she sensed that he'd rather just forget about the day. Kyle admitted that it would be tempting, but he needed to process it, since things had gotten more complicated after he'd last seen Claire. He revealed that Summer wanted to revisit their custody arrangement, and Claire guessed it was because of her. Kyle conceded that Summer hadn't adjusted to Claire being Harrison's nanny as quickly as Kyle had hoped.

Claire asked if she was being fired. Kyle insisted that she wasn't, since Harrison adored her, and Summer had accepted that. Kyle shared that Summer didn't like a business move he'd made, and Claire wondered why Summer cared. After swearing Claire to secrecy, Kyle explained that Summer didn't like who he was going into business with -- Audra Charles. Claire said she knew Audra from her time at Newman Media, and Audra was a powerhouse.

Claire added that she'd gotten the feeling Audra hadn't trusted her, but Audra had had good reason. Kyle muttered that he and Audra had also worked together before, and she didn't trust him, either. Claire pressed to know why it bothered Summer, and Kyle vaguely replied that he and Audra had a "tumultuous history." Claire wondered why he'd left a good job at Jabot to work with Audra again. Kyle divulged that his mother had fired him. Claire cautioned that revenge was never worth it.

Kyle denied that taking the job had been payback, but Claire was skeptical that he had no feelings about his firing. He confirmed that he felt relief, excitement, and hope, since it had been the best thing that could have happened after things had become untenable. Kyle grumbled that he'd rescued a deal for the company that Diane had been about to botch, and she'd handed him his walking papers because her ego had been hurt. Kyle added that his dad had backed her up, and Claire imagined it had hurt. Kyle figured that he'd been able to leave the family company without any guilt and show the world what he could achieve when his parents weren't holding him back.

Kyle planned to turn the dinner into a celebration of his day of liberation. He raised a glass to a new chapter, and Claire remarked that she'd never had Champagne like that before. He assumed she meant that it was a different experience than the "cheap stuff," but she clarified that she didn't really drink alcohol other than taking an occasional few sips to avoid any awkwardness. She apologized for putting a damper on the celebration, and she recalled that Jordan had forbidden alcohol. Kyle offered to get her a mocktail, but she was curious because Champagne had always seemed elegant to her. She took a sip and tried to cover her obvious dislike by stammering that it was bubbly. "One seltzer and lime coming up!" Kyle declared.

Outside Society, Kyle thanked Claire for joining him, since talking to her had made the stress of the day disappear. She teasingly asked if he was sure it hadn't been the Champagne, and he conceded that it had played a part because he'd consumed most of the bottle. Kyle suggested they do it again to find her the perfect signature mocktail. Claire envisioned something that said fun, elegant, and carefree, but Kyle mused that she didn't need a drink to say that because it was who she was. Claire blushed and agreed that she'd like to do it again sometime, and she said goodbye. Kyle smiled as he watched her leave.

At the Athletic Club, Nikki ran into Jack, and he mentioned that he'd been wondering how she was doing. She noted that he hadn't called, and he pointed out that the ringer on his phone worked. "Touché," she responded. Jack inquired how her outpatient treatment was going. Nikki reported that she had good days and bad days, and she felt strong that day. He hoped she'd found a new sponsor to give her the support she needed.

Nikki explained that she'd been busy focusing on her treatment, so she'd decided to wait to replace Jack until it was over. Nikki promised she'd find a new sponsor soon, and she informed Jack that she was feeling well enough to go back to Newman Media. Jack recalled that her work had always given her purpose, which could be empowering. Nikki pointedly thanked him for understanding that about her, and she confided that Victor had been fighting her on it. She recognized that her husband was digging in out of concern and love, but she found it infuriating that he thought he knew what she needed better than she did.

Nikki hoped things had calmed down between Jack and Diane, since she felt guilty for being the reason he'd jeopardized his life and marriage. Jack absolved Nikki of any responsibility, since he'd chosen to take the pills. Nikki hated that the things that had happened "that night" were still causing trouble, and she assumed that Diane was the reason he hadn't continued to be Nikki's sponsor. Jack asserted that it had been his choice, and he dissuaded Nikki from holding it against Diane. Jack assured Nikki that he and Diane had worked their way through that conflict, and Nikki deduced that there was another one.

Jack relayed that the tension between Diane and Kyle had hit a breaking point, and it was tearing Jack apart. Jack indicated that it had seemed like Kyle had been telling the whole world that he was the better person for the co-CEO job, and Diane had felt she'd had no choice but to fire Kyle after he'd overreached too many times. Jack regretted that he hadn't intervened and stopped things from escalating, and Nikki suggested that it was just a momentary flareup. Jack informed her that his son might have found a new job, although Kyle wouldn't say where.

Nikki pondered why Kyle was being secretive, and Jack suspected that his son was holding back just to punish him and Diane. Nikki argued that Kyle worshiped Jack, but Jack doubted that was the case anymore. Jack lamented that family was more important than anything that happened at the office, but the look he'd seen in Kyle's eye when Jack had sided with Diane had cut right through him. Jack agreed that Kyle had pushed Diane into the decision, but he worried about what it might cost. Nikki reassured him that he would find a way to get his family back together because it was who he was.

At Crimson Lights, Michael presented Diane with two drink options in a fake French accent. She told him she'd been happy to get his call, noting that it was like he had a sixth sense that she needed someone to vent to. Diane informed him that she'd fired Kyle from Jabot that morning, and Michael compared it to something out of a Greek tragedy. Diane bemoaned that Jack hadn't been pleased, but she hadn't had a choice after Kyle had undermined her by taking any opportunity to prove he was better suited for the job than she was. Michael suggested that Kyle just needed some time off, but Diane doubted it would help because Kyle thought he hadn't done anything wrong, and it sounded like he'd already found another job.

Michael voiced surprise that Kyle had landed elsewhere that fast, and Diane groaned that it had almost sounded like her son had welcomed being cut loose. Michael suspected that Victor had something to do with Kyle's new job. Michael recalled that she'd witnessed Victor firing Michael, and he surmised that there was a connection between that and Victor's subsequent request that Michael rekindle his friendship with Diane as a loyalty test to get back into Victor's good graces. Diane testily asked if Michael had invited her for coffee to pretend to be her friend when he was really pumping her for information to give to Victor.

Michael reasoned that he wouldn't have told Diane the truth if he didn't think of her as a true friend. She speculated that it had been part of strategy for Victor to stage firing Michael in front of her, and Michael was pretending to confide in her when he was really helping his boss plan an attack on her. Michael swore that he would never do that to her, and he didn't think she was the target. Michael informed her that Victor had also asked Cole to cozy up to Kyle. Diane assumed that Victor wanted to protect Claire, who was working under the "evil Abbott roof." Michael sensed it was bigger than that, and he contemplated what the common denominator was between Diane and Kyle. Diane realized it was Jack.

Michael admitted that he couldn't stop spinning scenarios in his head, and none of them were good. Diane recalled that Victor had been furious when Jack had overdosed to try to help Nikki, and Victor had warned that Jack would regret it. Diane continued that Victor had made a big point of telling her how Jack's actions had been a betrayal of her. Michael concluded that Victor had been trying to stir up trouble between her and Jack.

Diane contended that she felt better knowing that Jack wasn't Nikki's sponsor anymore, but Michael wondered if there were more lingering issues between Diane and Jack. Diane recounted that Michael himself had warned her about Jack and Nikki's bond, but she insisted there was no more tension on that front. Diane wondered why Michael had told her the truth when the whole point of befriending her had been to prove his loyalty to Victor. Michael predicted that he might have to step in to protect Victor from himself, adding that he didn't want to see Diane trapped in another war between Victor and Jack. Victor entered the coffeehouse and saw them together.

Victor approached Michael and Diane's table and mentioned Kyle leaving Jabot. Victor blamed Jack for making the "egregious mistake" of appointing an unqualified Diane as co-CEO while demoting his own son. Diane defended that Kyle had been part of the discussion about her promotion, but she confirmed that the rumors about Kyle's departure were correct. Victor questioned when she would run out of excuses for Jack. Diane noted that Victor hated her as much as he hated Jack, yet it seemed Victor had been trying to protect her lately. She wondered what he was up to.

Victor confirmed that he didn't like Diane, but his loathing of Jack superseded it. Victor hoped Diane and Jack both ended up alone and miserable, but he was sure it would happen without him having to lift a finger. Victor ordered Michael to follow him to the ranch to discuss some business, but Michael pointed out that he'd been fired. Victor flatly said he'd see Michael at the ranch, and he walked out.

Michael admired Diane for not exploding, and he thanked her for not throwing him under the bus. She sensed that Michael liked the challenge of figuring Victor out, and she hoped he did. Diane was convinced Victor was after Jack, and she urged Michael to head to the ranch to see what he could find out while she filled Jack in before it was too late.

Diane returned home and informed Jack that she'd had an interesting conversation with Michael before Victor had shown up and started talking about Kyle leaving Jabot. Jack asked how Victor had known about it. Diane relayed Michael's suspicion that Kyle's job prospect had something to do with Newman Enterprises. "Kyle would not dare ..." Jack started to say as Kyle walked in. Jack demanded to know what Kyle was up to with Victor.

On the next The Young and the Restless...


• Victor keeps his cards close to the vest.

• Nikki tells Jack she's feeling very guilty.

• Michael confides in Diane.



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