* Rumblings! (AMC Two Scoops Commentary for August 2, 2004) | Soap Central


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Brooke's never-ending tape wasn't the proof that Tad, Brooke and James were expecting. Somehow Adam and JR found the recorder and 'staged' the ultimate performance. Adam became quite indignant as Babe was convinced yet again that JR loves her and James is stalking her. I'm thinking James and Babe both need their heads examined!! It was wonderful seeing Brooke front and center if only for a short time.

Brooke's never-ending tape wasn't the proof that Tad, Brooke and James were expecting. Somehow Adam and JR found the recorder and "staged" the ultimate performance. Adam became quite indignant as Babe was convinced yet again that JR loves her and James is stalking her. I'm thinking James and Babe both need their heads examined!! It was wonderful seeing Brooke front and center if only for a short time. Can TIIC take heed and give Julia Barr the respect and airtime she deserves?

Does everyone know how to get into the tunnels at Chandler mansion? Where is the security? We have David, James and Krystal roaming around the walls avoiding the cobwebs. David has decided to crusade for justice and prove James innocent of all wrong doing and JR guilty of drugging Babe. What about justice for Bess/Miranda?

Is Bobby a complete moron? Instead of ratting Zach out as the thug he is, he decides to keep quiet and allow Kendall to blackmail into seducing Greenlee for 200 grand. This basically means that Bobby and Anita's marriage is over even though Anita decided to tear up the divorce papers and forgive Bobby. Another marriage bites the dust.

Edmund thinks Zach is the murderer after all Zach is new in town. So much for a friendly welcome to Pine Valley! Zach is certainly a bad guy but I'm not sure he's going to be the murder call that Edmund overheard. Maria still seems to have feelings for Zach no matter what she's saying.

We have the teen squad out to get JR. Lily freaks out when she overhears JR talking about Bess and Babe. Reggie and Maggie get Lily to open up about what she heard and then proceed to take her to Chandler mansion to confront JR. Adam sabotages the situation with the abundance of noise and then with the red sweater. We see Lily lose it when she sees the red traffic light but Erica is there to help her out. Erica's rehab must have gone well as she's back with every lock in place. Will Erica and Jackson actually make it to down the aisle this year? I'm predicting this will happen, but I've been wrong before! Erica and Lily bonded and now purple is their favorite color. It was convenient that Erica wasn't wearing red as in her last encounter with Lily, however that wasn't even noticed by Lily or Jackson back then.

Greenlee and Ryan are still together and appear to be happy currently. I'm still not sure why Kendall wants Ryan back. He continually berates Kendall such as reminding her of what happened when she brought Michael Cambias to Pine Valley. If I remember correctly, he told her some time ago that she wasn't to blame for Michael or any of his actions. Ryan is becoming just plain mean.

Suellen's AMC Fan Spotlight of the Week comes from Denise who writes: "I am almost through with AMC. They had me when Kendall put everything on the line to help Bianca through the murder trial. Finally her character experienced some growth only to have it all snatched away to make Greenlee seem human. Uhhh! The writers just can't seem to make up their minds about her character and she's all over the place. But the message they are sending with her character the way it is at present is a bad one. Ryan is verbally and mentally abusive to Kendall. He makes exceptions for the antics of every woman in town except the one he claims to love. The things he says to her are so out of line and yet we have to watch as she schemes to be with HIM! Talk about low self-esteem. I hope they take her back to the loyal sister of Bianca who would stand up to anyone, stops slutting it up, and gets the love SHE deserves." I think Kendall deserves come happiness too but it appears it will be a long time coming.

Livia is James' attorney and I wondered if this isn't a conflict of interest since her advising JR of his rights with Babe, etc. I believe it is unethical and Livia should have sent James elsewhere.

Seems this week was just a rehash of so many other weeks. The writers continue to drag out all the plots and have the same dialog repeated endlessly. Let's hope some of the stories wrap up shortly!

Mary Page
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